Client: Seminole Tribe of Florida, Hollywood, USA
Architect: Klai Juba Wald (Steve Peck), Las Vegas, USA
Lighting Integrator: DCL, Boston, USA
Agent: Reflex Lighting, Boston, USA
Content Studio: Float4, Montreal, Canada
With a massive global presence, Hard Rock, one of the world’s most recognized brands, debuted the world’s first guitar-shaped hotel on October 24, 2019. SACO was stoked to work with Boston agent Reflex Lighting and Lighting Integrator DCL to provide a solution that enhances the night-time identity of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
The entire media endeavour was managed, directed and installed by Boston company DCL, a leading fabricator of architectural specialties.
The glamorous hotel is anchored by an upright, curvaceous 450-foot-tall guitar body wrapped in reflective blue-green glass. DCL fit the glass skin of the $1.5 billion hotel with 16,800 SACO V-Stick S2 fixtures that use high performance LEDs to display uniform static colors and dynamic video lighting effects. The V-Stick S2 product was carefully selected, not only for its superior double brightness and clarity that can easily be seen at night, but also for its versatility, durability and ability to withstand the extreme weather conditions associated to Florida. The V-Stick S2 is also a perfect direct-view linear light tool that delivered the client’s vision of clean architectural integration.